Our manufacturer

Our manufacturer is located in NY, USA, employees in their facilities are treated with respect and dignity. Work environments is free of intolerance, harassment, abuse, retribution for grievances, and corporal punishment. There is no discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, nationality, social origin, social status, indigenous heritage, disability, age, marital status, capacity to bear children, pregnancy, sexual orientation, genetic features, or other status of the individual unrelated to the ability to perform the job. No involuntary labor. No child labor. Fair work hours and compensation. All their facilities provide a healthy and safe work environment in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. All their facilities will comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations. They only use low impact, fiber reactive dyes in garments that are not harmful to the environment. This means that dyes do not contain any heavy metals or toxic substances. This applies to all styles both organic and non-organic. Recycled water is used in their dye facilities as well. In addition. they use recycled and organic materials in many styles. They are committed to doing their part in offering sustainable, eco-friendly products and manufacturing methods that work with our planet, not against it which aligns with our mission and ethos. Hence we have partner with them to offer you with eco-conscious clothing that is of high quality and unbeatable comfort.